Girl’s Stitched DressRated 0 out of 514.80$ – 18.00$
- Wash Instruction: Dry Wash.
- Product Details: This topeton silk features screen-print & patchwork.
- Product Color: Combination of cream and yellow colors in the design.
In stock
Girl’s FrockRated 0 out of 56.00$ – 10.00$
- Wash Instruction: Dry Wash.
- Product Details: This linen girl’s frock features screen-print, patchwork & handwork.
- Product Color: Combination of lemon and orange colors in the design.
In stock
Girl’s Stitched DressRated 0 out of 5
9.52$ – 14.88$
6.66$ – 10.42$- Wash Instruction: Regular Wash.
- Product Details: This Cotton girl’s stitched dress features screen-print & handwork.
- Product Color: Cream & Navy-blue.
In stock
Girl’s Top’sRated 0 out of 56.80$ – 8.40$
- Wash Instruction: Regular Wash.
- Product Details: This linen girl’s top’s features screen-print & patchwork.
- Product Color: Paste.
- Occasion: Casual / Formal / Featured Style / Special Occasion.
In stock
Girl’s Stitched DressRated 0 out of 515.20$ – 16.80$
- Wash Instruction: Regular Wash.
- Product Details: This Cotton girl’s dress features screen-print & patchwork.
- Product Color: Combination of magenta and violet colors in the design.
- Occasion: Casual / Formal / Featured Style / Special Occasion.
In stock
Girl’s Stitched DressRated 0 out of 511.92$ – 15.12$
- 100% original product of Rang Bangladesh Ltd.
- Wash Instruction: Regular Wash.
- Product Details: This cotton stitched dress features screen-print, patchwork & handwork.
- Product Color: Paste-Golden.
- Occasion: Casual / Formal / Featured Style / Special Occasion.
In stock
Girl’s TopsRated 0 out of 5
5.16$- Wash Instruction: Regular Wash.
- Product Details: This Cotton girl’s top’s features dyeing & screen-print work.
- Product Color: Combination of white colors in the design.
Only 5 left in stock